Share your challenge experience
Did you take the 1 week #NotSorryChallenge?
If YES, please share your experience and inspire others – we’d love to hear from you!
Was it easy to be unapologetic for a whole week?
Difficult? Liberating? No difference?
How did people react to you being unapologetic?
We’d love to know.
You can share you experience by posting a selfie, video, artwork, poem, or other written piece.
Fill out the form and we’ll send you our simple submission tips.
Each submission will be reviewed for publication for our website and/or to go on our Instagram page.
Or, you can just shout out about your experience!
Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @Not.Sorry.Club, and use the hashtags
#NotSorryChallenge and #NotSorryClub so we can hear about it!
Did you take part in the #NotSorryChallenge,
and want to share your experience?
Get in touch.
PS. Submissions don’t all need to go public.
If you’re telling us about your experience for our eyes only,
just because you want to share, please let us know.
If you’re happy for your submission to go public on our website and/or Instagram page,
please let us know.