Welcome to the

Now that you’re here, let’s get started.
(Psst – head over to our new Tales of Female Badassery podcast
for some unapologetic inspiration!)
What's the
Not Sorry Club?
The Not Sorry Club helps women to regain their confidence by leaving their ‘sorry’s at the door.
My name is Betty Adamou, I’m an entrepreneur, and I’m starting a movement.
We think women hold themselves back too much.
We hold ourselves back from saying what we really
want, think, and feel in all aspects of our lives;
from work to home, and everything in between.
The Not Sorry Club inspires women to be
and celebrates
We believe the world is literally a better place when women thrive.
But we can’t do that when we live with judgment, competitiveness, and imposter syndrome.
We can’t soar when we’re feeling apologetic.
The Not Sorry Club encourages female collaboration and individual self-love.
The first step to living utterly unapologetically is removing all those unnecessary sorry’s from our day-to-day language.
For example:
- Sorry, can I just ask a question?
- Well, I’m sorry but I think…
- I’m sorry that you feel that way
- Sorry to disturb you
- Sorry, but I’d like to share an idea
- Sorry for bothering you with my problems
The Not Sorry Club challenges you to cut this out.
Take the 1 week Not Sorry Challenge.
Then, make it a HABIT.
If you identify as a serial apologiser, read on
Here’s how the #NotSorryChallenge works:
- Stop apologising for taking up space, saying ‘no’, or being honest.
- Stop apologising before we want to add a comment in the meeting.
- Stop apologising for sticking up for ourselves.
- Hold back from apologetic mannerisms and tone of voice, both physically and in digital communications.
- Stop saying sorry, for all the little and big things we shouldn’t be saying sorry for.
- Essentially, stop apologising for existing! You have a right to take up space, and say how you really think and feel.
A caveat: This is not about being rude, and disrespectfuL. Still say ‘sorry’ where a genuine sorry is needed.
If you’ve knocked over an old lady on the street, say sorry.
If you’ve been rude, and need to apologise, say sorry.
The Not Sorry Club is for all those who apologise when no apology is needed.
That’s what we’re trying to eliminate.
Our goal: for 2,023 women take the Not Sorry Challenge throughout 2023 Will you be one of the women taking the challenge?
Taking the challenge is easy.
You can even grab our ‘Challenge Accepted’ graphic from our page here to tell the world what you’re up to, and share on your social pages.
Using the #NotSorryChallenge connects you to other women also taking the challenge, and sharing their experiences.
STOP APOLOGISING. START LIVING. Stop being afraid to take up space
Share your experience
We’d love to hear about everyone’s experience with the #NotSorryChallenge.
Was it easy? Difficult? Liberating? No difference? How did you feel?
We’d love to know.
Please feel free to put a post up on Instagram using the tags #NotSorryChallenge and #NotSorryClub.
You can also DM us on Instagram, email us, and tell us if you’d like to do a write-up about
your experience which we’ll review for publication.
Did you take part in the 1 week #NotSorryChallenge,
and want to write or post a story about your experience?
Get in touch.