Not Sorry Club x BBC Radio Suffolk
A 6-part radio series, live on Friday's at 7pm
For 6 episodes, Not Sorry Club founder Betty Adamou, with BBC Radio Host Jon Wright, discussed a range of topics with female entrepreneurs from the local community about being unapologetic.
From setting and maintaining boundaries, equality in the home, having or not having children, celebrating success, and much more.
In these empowering episodes, we said the unsayable, unpacked the judgement we often hear and give, and shared some solid advice about being unapologetically YOU.
Click the images and links below to hear all episodes on BBC Sounds.
Yvie Ormsby
Creative Director of Yoko Studio
Instagram @Yoco.Studio
Listen here! Episode 1 now on BBC Sounds
SJP Columnist
Writer at Suffolk Norfolk Life magazine
Instagram @SJPcolumnist
Listen here! Episode 4 now on BBC Sounds
Nicola Raven
Founder of That’s Lovely!
Instagram @That.Slovely
Listen here! Episode 2 now on BBC sounds
Vicki Harris
Founder of From Suffolk With Love
Instagram @From.SuffolkWithLove
Listen here! Episode 5 now on BBC Sounds
Sophie Bellamy
Co-founder of Normal Bodies
Instagram @Normal.Bodies_
Listen here! Episode 3 now on BBC Sounds
Betty Adamou
Founder of Not Sorry Club
Instagram @Not.Sorry.Club
Listen here! Episode 6 now on BBC Sounds
Created by the Not Sorry Club. Hosted by BBC Radio Suffolk.
The Not Sorry Club are thrilled to collaborate with BBC Radio Suffolk.
We designed a 6-part programme that went out live on Friday’s at 7pm,
unpacking some of the most important issues women are facing today.
It’s called the ‘NOT SORRY STORIES’ series.
Each week, Betty Adamou, Founder of Not Sorry Club together Jon Wright, BBC Radio Suffolk host, discussed what it means to be an unapologetic woman in todays world with special guests from the local community.
Our guests are female entrepreneurs, who helped us delve deep into these topics,
and share inspiration on how to be UNAPOLOGETIC;
to stand by our choices unashamedly, and be our true, authentic selves.
All episodes are online on the BBC Sounds website.

Want to have your say?
Let us know!
Want to share your thoughts or experience on the topics we’ve discussed on NOT SORRY STORIES?
Want to say something about equality in the home, setting boundaries, or any of our other topics?
Fill out this form to have your say.
We read all submissions, and attempt to respond to everyone in 7 days or less.
Note from the Founder
I’m thrilled about the collaboration between the Not Sorry Club and BBC Radio Suffolk on this series!
This 6-part show, Not Sorry Stories, wouldn’t have come to fruition without Jon Wright’s (BBC Radio Suffolk host) invitation to do it.
The series has been designed to kick-start conversations around some of the most pertinent areas of life,
and we hope listeners feel seen and resonate with the discussions.
The NOT SORRY STORIES series dives right into these topics, and helps us overcome that automatic response
to say sorry about our choices, or who we are.
A huge thanks to all guests for being part of the show,
BBC Radio Suffolks’ Jon Wright for inviting me to create this series (and the freedom to design it exactly how I wanted!),
the BBC Radio Suffolk team at large,
and of course our listeners and the Not Sorry community.
Thank you.