What does my £3 entrance fee go to?

Data Privacy

The Not Sorry Club performs its duties to you and data privacy laws by following the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Your data will not be shared or sold to any third party organisations.
The data you input into this site, either by registering your interest to attend a club session, or by sending a message because you’d like to write content for us, is ONLY seen by Not Sorry Club team members.
If you have any questions about your data, please contact us.

Legal Status of the Not Sorry Club

The Not Sorry Club is a not-for-profit Social Enterprise and is currently being set up as a Community Interest Company (CIC).
For clarity, the Not Sorry Club is not a CIC yet as we are in the process of applying for CIC status.
As/when the Not Sorry Club achieves official CIC status, the relevant details will be added to this website. 

What does my £3 entrance fee go to?

If you attend a Not Sorry Club face-to-face session, we ask for the nominal fee of £3 to help us cover our costs which include (but are not limited to) maintaining the website and other technical ‘behind the scenes’ duties, as well as costs which may be incurred for venue hire. 
The Not Sorry Club is a not-for-profit organization, which means your £3 isn’t going to shareholders; it’s going towards keeping the Not Sorry Club going!